App design & development
The process to create an App is not always the same. But once the idea is defined, we create a functional design, the working flow and the blue prints in order to have the full functionality before having the interface designs and the final application. The process is similar to building a house.
- Define objectives and goals.
- Get the idea into paper.
- Create prototypes sketches to define what is the basic functionality.
- Research on what is similar on the market and what is the uniqueness on the app to be developed.
- Getting inspiration on other apps.
Functional design
- Making a good planning with functional design and descriptive graphics.
- Making an story board, screen connection on every step of the possible navigation of the user.
- Defining the backend functional design.
- Testing prototype with a small public for improving developing process.
UX & User interface design
- Creating the interface design and “skins”) for different OS environments.
- Creating a functional demo with preview online tools to test the “real” look and feel and make corrections.
- Creation of databases, and selection of platforms and compatibilities etc. Starting the building process with developers.
- Testing the application on different environments.
- Release application on online stores (App Store, Google play, etc.).
- Launching marketing campaigns (online and offline).

Description: Apps design.
Client: Divers clients
Activities: Interface design, functional design, brand name, brand communication.